Monday, January 17, 2011


This game was created for a two month course called structure of Game Production. I worked in a 4 man team to create an experimental themed game. The first month was spent prototyping and writing documentation. Month 2 was spent coding the game in C++.

The Premise of this game is that a large corporation wants to cool down a planet covered in magma so that it can begin development of its luxury resort. You play as the Tiki god spirit of the planet protecting its home.


The player uses control of gravity among other abilities to throw lava out into space consuming the hostile space ships, Fighting through a combination of 6 different types of ships each with unique abilities.

Two special attacks that can be used when enough score is accumulated.They will light up when ready for the players use.

This Attack is the wormhole. You control the entrance and exit of a 1-way wormhole. The player is allowed to move around both the entry and exits allowing him to send enemy ships where ever he wants them, preferably right into a blob of lava. Some of the larger ships cannot fit through the hole, so alternatively the player can send his lava through the entrance right into the larger ships hull.

The second special attack is the core explosion. The planets core explodes raising its temperature and sending lava rocketing into space in all directions. This ability is great for clearing a wave, but puts the core in temporary vulnerable state till its lava returns to the surface.

Instead of a health bar use a thermometer. Every lava blob in our game has its own temperature. When they pass through the core the blob combines with the core transferring its temperature. This keeps the lava hot and dangerous. The enemies in our game attempt to cool down the lava into frozen blobs, so when they combine with the core the core has to expand much more heat to warm it up. Let enemies stay alive too long and the cores temperature will drop to 0 making it habitable and quickly renovated. Game Over.

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